My Brand Identity
When defining my brand identity, I decided to create a new adinkra symbol to represent my heritage, values and beliefs. I wanted to show my respect to my ancestors, and my heritage and to create something for future generations. I had a dream of my initial idea of the design that I had and worked with a designer in Ghana as I knew he would understand the significance without having to explain it.
What are Adinkra Symbols?
Adinkra symbols are visual symbols that originated in West Africa, specifically in Ghana and the Ivory Coast. They are used to communicate traditional wisdom, concepts, and values, and are often incorporated into fabrics, pottery, and other decorative items. Each symbol has its own specific meaning, and the symbols can be combined to create more complex meanings.
Where do they originate from?
The symbols have their roots in the Akan people, who have a long history of creating and using visual symbols to communicate important cultural ideas. Adinkra symbols are often used to convey themes related to wisdom, strength, and resilience.
What are they used for?
Adinkra symbols are used in a variety of contexts, including in traditional ceremonies, as decorative elements, and as a way of expressing cultural identity. They have also gained popularity beyond West Africa and are now used and recognised by people for the diaspora around the world.
The creation of AKINDAT
To create my own symbol, I did some research on the meanings and histories of existing symbols. From my research I found that-
1.Adinkra symbols are based on simple geometric shapes, such as circles, squares, and triangles.
2.Lines are often used to connect the different shapes and elements of an Adinkra symbol and can be used to create more complex and detailed designs.
3.Many Adinkra symbols are symmetrical, with shapes and elements that are repeated on either side of the design.
4.Adinkra symbols are often depicted in black and white, although some may include other colours as well.
5.When creating an Adinkra symbol, you can use a combination of shapes, lines, and other elements to create a design that reflects this meaning.
My Ewe Ancestory
My ancestors are Ewe people. Ewe people have a strong oral tradition and place a great emphasis on the telling and retelling of stories, legends, and history.
Ewe people believe in the importance of respecting and honouring their ancestors, and they have various practices and ceremonies related to this.
The Ewe people are known for their skills in crafting, and they produce a variety of traditional handicrafts, including textiles, pottery, and woodcarvings.
My Adinkra Symbol

Meaning- Symbol of collective knowledge and understanding
‘Akin’ related
‘Dat’ that is
This symbol for me, represents the contribution of many to a shared idea.
A collective view is an idea or concept that is refined through shared knowledge and understanding. This symbol reminds everyone to listen and learn from each other for the greater good of all. It derives from the adinkra symbol ‘Ntesie’ which represents wisdom and ‘Akoma’ which represents agreement
Overall, I’m happy with my Adinkra symbol and its meaning. I have 5 boys and they are represented as well as the importance of central collectiveness for my family.